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Twitter types

A fairly random selection of some of the cool (and often quite whacky) people Ive come across on my Twitter timeline...

My first ever follower, and therefore Queen of my timeline, Brindille is the only being in the known universe Ming the Merciless is afraid of. Cant say Im surprised- she scares the bejeebers out of me!

Brindille  (@Brindille_ )

Ming the Merciless  (@DrBizzarro)

On the run from the Interplanetary Tax Authorities, insane space tyrant Ming has taken refuge here on Earth, cunningly disguised as a van driver from Lancaster.

Darren Conway

Evil henchman of Ming the Merciless masquerading as an independent film maker. Hes fooling no-one.

Adrienne Renee

Adrienne loves art, Russian literature and post-punk music. Sounds like the CV of a perfect human being to me.

Brian Greene

Brian is a jovial soul whos into some pretty cool music. He assures me he can remember the sixties, which means, of course, he wasnt there...

Darin Lewis

Darin says hes married to the Dragon with the Girl Tattoo. And hes from Walsall. He needs all the support we can give him.

Eesti Girl

Bubbly, kind and forthright, Aussie girl Kim tells it how it is. She doesnt suffer fools gladly but has agreed to make an exception in my case.

Blake Excess

Blake once saw Martha Reeves perform live on a booze cruise sailing round New York harbour. I rest my case.

ek Oh or ee ko

ek Oh or ee ko (no, I don't know what it means either) regularly tweets stuff thats either cool, or whacky, or cool and whacky. I often pop round to her timeline for a cup of tea and a chat.

Ken Worthington

Once dubbed ‘the most photogenic man in Britain by some bloke whod clearly had a few, Ken is, in fact, the most colossal genius the world has ever known. He makes Einstein and Newton look like Beavis and Butt-head.

Edie   (@Jopolkadot)

Edie is responsible for some of the coolest, most stylish black and white photography to appear on my timeline. She occasionally treats me to a photo of Monica Vitti, for which I am eternally grateful.


Aussie charmer Amber is enthusiastic about my novel (God knows why!). So enthusiastic in fact, shes threatened to wipe the floor with me if I dont start knocking out instalments a bit quicker...

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