Unknown Pleasures
Some more of the art, photography, design and other cool things people are
sending across my timeline...

Envision a cure... via @circubus

“If my house was on fire I think the one thing I'd take with me would be the flames.”
Twitter bio of Tomorrow's Nostalgia via @suddenlyquiet

Une réalisation en verre de l'artiste Mats Jonasson

A conversation with Ming
the Merciless
Me: ‘I have grave news regarding the one they call Brindille...’
Ming: ‘She’s not been at the alcoholic hand gel again?!? ’

Yasmin Sewell wearing Peridot's Conduit Coat (photography: Tommy Ton for http://Style.com )
via @PeridotLDN / @yasminsewell

"High Risk" by Ernesto Bertani

Hervé Sard, La catin habite au 21.

우창헌 Woo Changheon, 옥탑방 The Rooftop House

‘Bellezón en el bus’ (Detroit, 1955)

Gus & Me

Garry Winogrand: Mid Century Street

“Costume design – Cockroach” by Gosia Herba

“Plus personne ne supporte la contradiction; le premier qui me dit
le contraire je l’unfollowe.” via David Chapelle @ChapelleDavid

Tea with the Supremes
via Edie @Jopolkadot
No (more) words...

Vsevolod Maksymovych Argonauts (1914)
via @Personal_Garden

Bob Ritter, Galaxy Magazine, February 1961

Gabriel Orozco
via @NYCAesthetic / @MarianGoodman

‘Pink is the new Black’ by Kerri Rosenthal
Scarf design by KLEMENTS